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Best Guard Dogs for Your Family's Protection

Best Guard Dogs for Your Family's Protection

If you'd like a dog that will be loyal and affectionate while protecting you and the people you love, read on. Today, our Bellevue vets discuss some dog breeds that are well-suited to be guard dogs for families.

When choosing a dog to defend you and your family, there are various variables to consider, such as whether they get along with children and other pets, their size, and their energy level. Our Bellevue staff has chosen our finest options to help you decide on a new member of your family.

German Shepard

This favorite family pet is bold, gentle, and affectionate, and will do everything in its power to guard and protect those it cares about. They are great at learning, listening, and obeying directions when properly trained.

If you decide to buy a dog from a breeder, make sure they are trustworthy and, if possible, meet the dog's parents to ensure they come from a healthy home.


Rottweilers are excellent guard dogs, and if they are trained well can become loving family pets (even for small kids). They are among the smartest dog breeds in the world, and when properly trained they will be loyal and obey the commands you give them.

The key to bringing a Rottweiler into your home (especially if you have young children) is to make sure they are properly trained because they can be aggressive if not. We also urge regular socialization of pups because they are naturally fearful of people and other animals they don't know.

Doberman Pinscher

This dog breed is exceptionally intelligent and appears menacing in general. Because they are suspicious of unfamiliar people, they make good security dogs. They are also incredibly loyal and, with sufficient obedience training, will obey your directions perfectly. They require a lot of exercise and activity every day because they are athletic dogs with a lot of energy.

If you wish to bring a Doberman pinscher into a family with children, you should raise it from a puppy in the family context rather than bringing one home once it has grown. Because this dog may be highly destructive, it is critical to train it from a young age.


Because of its 'menacing' appearance and ability to sense people's intentions, this dog is an excellent choice for guarding. This medium to large size dog is sociable and fun-loving for families, and will use its athleticism to protect its owners. They are not violent and frequently desire love and attention.

Boxers, on the other hand, have a lot of energy from the start and require a lot of exercise from their owners.

Bernese Mountain Dog

This breed makes a great watchdog, albeit it is unlikely to fight an intruder on purpose. They are good alert dogs who will bark if they notice something abnormal and are wary of strangers. This enormous dog is also highly playful and enjoys being around youngsters, which makes them an ideal family companion. This dog, on the other hand, is quite furry and will require regular brushing and grooming.

Giant Schnauzer

They are loyal and clever, and can grow to be quite huge with an imposing appearance that can deter outsiders. If you raise this dog as a puppy alongside your children and family, they will be excellent with youngsters. You must, however, brush and groom them on a daily basis.

Great Dane

Great Danes are large dogs with a loud bark that can keep intruders at bay. This dog, on the other hand, is very gentle and patient with children and easily makes friends. Because of their gentle nature, they make better watchdogs than protectors.

From the outset, this breed requires daily walks and lots of positive reinforcement obedience training. They will also demand a lot of attention and supervision until they are comfortable with the rules and your home.

Great Pyrenees

With training and guidance, this large, furry breed can make a loyal and protective guard dog. They are gentle and can adapt to the dynamic of your family and home but will be cautious of guests and intruders making them the perfect companion and guard.

This dog did not come in first place since they are difficult to train. They must be trained from the time they are puppies with love and attention since they have a habit of barking and growling when they are young and will not grow out of it unless they are trained. They also test their owners' leadership, making them more difficult to teach.

Saint Bernard

This huge dog is great with kids and families and is extremely friendly, which doesn't make them good attack dogs. That said, their large size and loud bark can help intimidate intruders and make them rethink entering your home. If you are looking for a mild-mannered dog, with a bark that is bigger than its bite, this is the breed for you.

Saint Bernards are clumsy dogs until they reach adulthood and are unaware of their size, thus they may accidently knock down little children, making this dog best suited for households with older children. They can also be more difficult to train and eat more food than other breeds, despite the fact that they only need exercise and brushing a few times per week.


It doesn't take long for them to realize that their family is their 'pack,' and they'll go to any length to protect you. They also appear threatening and are always aware of what is going on around them, making them excellent guard dogs that will not endanger your children.

This dog is extremely aggressive and can easily take down a full-grown man. If you raise this dog from a puppy with your children and family and provide consistent training, it will grow into a wonderful, loving part of the family.

This dog does require stern training from a young age to obey your orders and get along with others, without it they will become aggressive. They also need strict orders and lots of exercise.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

Are you curious about a new dog breed for you and your family? Contact our Bellevue vets today for more information about a breed you are considering.

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